Art critic Don Rouge-Humber has called Pachter “the Cézanne of contemporary pop art in Canada”. From his expressionist works of the 1960s to the cool icons of recent years, Pachter’s art covers an enormous range of content and style.
Click on headings to view works
Charles’ drawing, age 12 , of his dog Leslie, oil crayon, 1954
Vers le Soleil, watercolour, Paris 1962
EYE & THE CAT, lithograph 1969
Grandmother’s House, oil on masonite, 1964
illustrating & printing folios of Margaret Atwood’s poetry, Cranbrook Academy of Art, 1964-66
The Hiya Dolls, (his mother’s bridge club) acrylic on canvas,1966
And We’ll All Be There to Greet Her, lithograph & silkscreen, Calgary, 1969
Noblesse Oblige, lithograph & silkscreen, Calgary 1970
Streetcar Headdress. serigraph 1971
Queen on Moose, acrylic and pencil on canvas board, 1972
The Curtsey Triptych, acrylic on canvas boards, 1972
Royals on the Rocks, acrylic on canvas, 1971
Cold Comfort, acrylic & pencil on canvas,1983
Metro Mourning 1984
Two Plus One 1984
Simcoe’s Illusion, acrylic & pencil on canvas, 1991
Red Barn Reflected 1989
FLOWERS 2021 pansies, tulip